Hi, I'm Rob Grabowski, a process-driven, problem-solving full stack UX/UI Designer with e-commerce, fintech, and product design experience. I utilize research, data, and insights to inform design decisions that help companies get more value from their customers. Previously, I was a developer and an entrepreneur.

The North Face and Vans

A mini cart redesign for two of the worlds most icon brands.

The North Face Mini Cart Design Vans Mini Cart Design
Hold at location design slide


The Wall Street Journal Wine club adds feature to pick up wine at location.

Tasty Trucks

A design for an iOS application that allows customers to find food trucks near them, view a menu, select items for purchase, and checkout.

Tasty Trucks images
Tone Control image

Tone Control

Tone Control is a fictitious (for now) boutique guitar pedal shop for players that are looking for high-quality sonic coloration.

Your Private EyeStylist

A site design for a Licensed Optician and Eyewear Stylist helping clients be the best version of themselves.

Your Private EyeStylist landing page image
Winery website image

Timothy Malone Wines

Willamette Valley, Oregon winery making wines that are reflective of a time and place.